Uncategorised 18 May 2018 GRAFT GRAFT - a soil based syllabus Based at the Maritime Museum in the heart of Swansea. This is… Tom O'Kane
Uncategorised 08 May 2018 Furzehill kicks into full action! Following one of the latest wettest, coldest springs anyone can remember we finally got onto the fields at Furzehill. Cae… Tom O'Kane
Uncategorised 01 May 2018 Food for Thought A few weeks back we hosted an event in partnership with Swansea Food Assembly & The Square Peg Cafe. This… Tom O'Kane
Uncategorised 22 Apr 2018 There’s People in the Field It's that time of year when people are drawn out into the field again to see whats going on. Jess… Tom O'Kane
Uncategorised 13 Apr 2018 A Seedy Day out in Newport Three members of Cae Tan were lucky to attend a Commercial Seed Saving Training with the Real Seed Catalogue this… Tom O'Kane
Uncategorised 28 Mar 2018 Short Rotation Coppice for Fertility We ran two training days this & last week with West Wales Willows. During these workshops we explored building fertility… Tom O'Kane
Uncategorised 17 Mar 2018 Sowing by The Moon & Planets We have planned our seasons sowing using the Thun biodynamic sowing calendar. Many seeds are already in trays in the… Tom O'Kane
Uncategorised 26 Feb 2018 Seed sovereignty for Cae Tan & the UK Our crop planning complete for 2018, we have received our seeds & packed them under my stairs ready for this… Tom O'Kane
Uncategorised 16 Feb 2018 The godfather of UK organic growing spends the day coaching Cae Tan. It may look like Captain Jack Radish training up new young pirates, but in fact its Iain Tolhurst who spent… Tom O'Kane